Year Flag Country, City and description Period Pictures/Report
2010 Tunisia Tunis
July 2010 TO DO
  Sweden Sweden
A trip to Kista...HQ!
May 2010  
  Italy Rome
Rome wasn't build in one day, so no worries that this site is not updated ;-). Pictures will follow...
March 2010 TO DO
  Finland Helsinki
Helsinki in january should break my current personal record on coldness -23. Indeed it did on tuesday the temperature was -27! Still for Helsinki it was colder and more snow then normally.
January 2010 38 pictures
  Sweden Sweden
A trip to Kista...HQ!
January 2010  
2009 Spain Madrid
Short business trip to Madrid. The typical one: airport - hotel - office - airport.
September 2009  
  Dublin Ireland
Time to go to the capital of Ireland! After 9 years I am back in Dublin, and a lot has changed. They have decided to build "The Spire of Dublin"; a 120 meter high needle pin in the middle of the city effected by the economic crisis. Unexpectedly sunny and blue skies in the middle of January.
January 2009 193 pic
2008 Sweden Göteborg
It's time to visit Sweden again! :-) This time for a 1 week seminar.
June 2008  
2007 Serbia Belgrade
A couple of days in the capital of Serbia.
September 2007 22 pictures
  Sweden Göteborg
It's time to visit Sweden again! :-) I had the opportunity to go aboard the Ericsson VOR boat! A lot of high-tech to be seen...
June 2007 48pictures
  Dominican Republic Santo Domingo
Ralph Bier goes Caribbean!!! A workshop with our customer in Santo Domingo! Quite a place to have a business meeting... A stop in Florida (hence the many pictures of the landing in Miami). Only the return flight went completely wrong. I missed my flight in Miami, so I booked a new flight via London to Amsterdam...after 23 hours I finally arrived back home.
June 2007 TBD
  Armenia Yerevan
A couple of days in the capital of the Republic of Armenia: Yerevan.
January 2007 98 pictures
2006 Poland Warsaw
A short trip to Warsaw.
November 2006 68 pictures
  Sweden Göteborg
It's time to visit Sweden again! :-)
September 2006 4 pictures
  Kazachstan Almaty (Alma Ata)
Time to go to Asia again. In a fully booked plane to Almaty (What are all these people going to do? Oil business? Maybe some telecom stuff?) I arrived early Sunday morning. After standing in a long queue to get my visum I started making these pictures.
July/August 2006 160 pictures
  Sweden Göteborg
Time to go to Göteborg igen! The week will start with a 3-day seminar and the rest will be a mini-holiday!
May/June 2006 66 pictures
  Japan Tokyo
This business trip in the land of the rising sun had plenty of opportunities to visit the touristic places of Tokyo. Some places are exactly as I imaged Tokyo, other places were a total surprise. See for yourself in this huge picture collection.
Febr/Mar 2006 344 pictures
4 travel reports
  México Ciudad de México City 2006, Acapulco 2006, Puebla
After Xmas it was time to go back to Ciudad de México to continue working in the project for another month. From the cold and snowy Holland back to the sunny and lively México!
Jan/Febr 2006 240 pictures
1 travel report
2005 México Ciudad de México City 2005, Acapulco 2005
A new project in Ciudad de Mexico City. This city with 25 million people known for its pollution and crime on an altitude of 2200 meters wasn't that bad afterall. Vamos México!
Nov/Dec 2005 170 pictures
2 travel reports
  Switserland Chur
A week in Chur for a workshop.
Nov 2005 No pictures (see below for pictures of 2004)
  Germany Chessna flight
Still tired from my late arrival from Madrid I had to get up early because I was invited to fly in a Chessna above Germany. From a big Airbus to a much smaller plane. The 'adventure' started in Düsseldorf...
Apr 2005 65 pictures
  Spain Madrid
A short week in Madrid. The pictures are from a colleague.
Apr 2005 6 pictures
  Switserland Chur
A few days in Chur for a workshop.
Apr 2005 No pictures (see below for pictures of 2004)
  Switserland Bern
A week in Bern to give consultancy to our customer.
Jan 2005 No pictures taken this time. See pictures of 2004 below.
  Spain Madrid
A week in Madrid to test the product for our customer in Switserland.
Apr 2005 No pictures
2004 United States Dallas
A week in Dallas to give a demo of our product.
Nov 2004 24 pictures
  Switserland Bern
A week in Bern to give consultancy to our customer.
Jul 2004 No pictures
  Switserland Chur Arosa
After a very busy Acceptence Test week in Chur, there was 1 day left before going home. I took the red train up the mountain to Arosa. In this small village I went skiing a couple of years ago. Time for a short visit with only a few pictures.
Mar 2004 7 pictures
  Spain Madrid
A week in Madrid to test the product for our customer in Switserland.
Febr 2004 No pictures
2003 Switserland Chur
A couple of days in Chur for a workshop.
Oct 2003 No pictures (see above for pictures of 2004)
  Switserland Bern
A week in Bern to give a workshop for a new product.
Febr 2003 No pictures
...   Somethings is missing here...didn't I travel for 2 years?...can't remember... (wasn't this the time of the internet bubble with a zillion lay-offs? could be correct since there was no money to travel)...I have to check...    
Sweden Göteborg
Probably I did a great job because I was allowed to come back! ;-). This time for one full year. In this year I worked for our customer in Ireland Dublin. During this year I visited Dublin on a regular basis to attend customer meetings and give workshops. I lost count but it must have been around 7 or 8 visits. There was enough time for fun as these pictures and movies of the 'skärmflyg' show.
October 1999 - October 2000 2 movies
  Sweden Karlskrona/Ronneby
A week in the south of Sweden for a training.
June 1999 No digital pictures yet (started scanning...)
1998 Sweden Göteborg
My first long stay abroad for the company is in Göteborg: 9 months in Sweden.
June 1998 - March 1999 No digital pictures yet (started scanning...)
1997 Sweden Göteborg
Back to Göteborg, but this time for a training.
October 1997 No digital pictures yet (started scanning...)
1995 Sweden Göteborg
My first business trip for the company is to Göteborg. Winters in Sweden can be cold and snowy. The worst snow blizzard since 25 years (according to Swedish newspapers) happened during these 2 weeks. This is where the story begins...
November 1995 No digital pictures yet (started scanning...)

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